Department of Library
The library functions with LIPS-i-NET software system with barcode scanning facility. The documents in the library are bar-coded for circulation purposes.
The library has OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) to provide details of its resources. Users can search details about books, periodicals, CDs, periodical compact disks, floppy disks, and audio cassettes within the library.
Circulation Service, Reference Service, Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), Current Awareness Service (CAS), Reprography Service, Digital Library, Open Access System, Display of News paper Clippings, Lending of Periodicals, Follow Dewey Decimal Classification, Competitive Examination, Book Fair, New arrival
CCTV : Camera
Internet facilities are available in the library to access E – Books and E – Journals which are useful to research activities of the students, scholars and faculties.
WI-FI Facility
Wi-fi facility is also available in the library. Users can use this facility to access Digital Library Resources. Our college library is an active member of INFLIBNET (Information and Library Networking), DELNET (Developing Library Net Work), and AMERICAN - E LIBRARY-consortium providing access to large number of ‘e books and journals.
Inflibnet – NLIST
Our Central Library is one of the members of INFLIBNET – NLIST .The INFLIBNET center Ahmadabad provides National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content (NLIST), to get access for more than 6,000 e-journals and 30,31,000 e-books through the INFLIBNET center server. It is very useful to staff, PG and Research scholars.
Photocoping Section: (Reprographic Section)
Our college library also having Photocopying Machine, it is very helpful to the students and faculty for taking Xerox in reference pages and question papers.
Rules and Regulations
1. Silence should be strictly observed in the library
2. Staff and Students are required to leave their belongings within the allotted place
3. Identity Card is compulsory for getting access to the library
4. Students and staff must scan their bar coded roll numbers in the ID to the E-Gate register whenever entry and exit compulsorily
5. Registration should be done to become a library member prior to using the library
6. Open access system is followed in the Central Library.
7. Textbooks, printed materials and issued books are not allowed to be taken inside the library
8. Using Mobile phones and audio instruments with or without speaker or headphone is strictly prohibited in the library premises
9. Tampering, writing or making any marks on any book are forbidden
10. Our Central Library will not lend journals, reference books, and CDs on any way.
11. The librarian may recall any book from any member at any time and the member shall return the same immediately
S No | Name | Designation |
01 | Dr.K.Nandhini M.Com., M.L.I.S., M.Phil., Ph.d.,SLET., |
Librarian |
S.No | Name | From | To |
1 | A .Muthusamy M.A., |
1966 | 1996 |
2 | Mr.A.Sankar M.A., (His),M.A.,(Pol.Sc.)., M.L.I.S., M.Phil., B.Ed.,NET., |
2000 | 2023 |